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Show a Radical Revolution this Show season and have a chance to win sacre cash !
Marc Sacre QH will offer the following incentives for horses sired by RADICAL REVOLUTION :

For Europe :

Non pro exhibitors riding a 3YO or older Radical Revolution in Open, Intermediate, limited non-pro, amateur & youth and showing in Halter, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, Trail, Showmanship, Horsemanship, HUS, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter Hack (at least 1 ridden class per show) in at least 4 shows including at least 2 of the following:

European Championship, Pleasure Celebration/Bavarian Summer Show, DQHA International Championship, AQHA Region Eleven Championship, FQHA French Championship, NQHA Dutch Championship, BQHA Belgian Championship, DQHA Regional Championships, European APQH Championship, will receive a chance in the SACRE CASH drawing regardless of the final placing.
At the end of the season the name of an exhibitor will be drawn and the exhibitor will receive a check of $1,000.


A special incentive will be given to non pro exhibitors showing a RADICAL REVOLUTION of 2YO and younger in Halter & Longe Line in at least 4 shows and in at least 2 shows of the ones named above.
They will receive a chance in a special SACRE CASH DRAWING regardless of the final placing.

At the end of the season a name of an exhibitor will be drawn and the exhibitor will receive a check of $ 500.

To be eligible the exhibitors have to email or mail the information about the shows they attend and their results with their name, address, email, phone # and name of the horse to Catherine Sacre at ccoelis@valornet.com or 16502 Sooner Avenue, Purcell, OK 73080, USA. Visit the website www.RadicalRevolutionQH.com.

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by wittelsbuerger.com

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