
E. Ranch Riding Apparel and Equipment
6. It is suggested that competitors use a breast collar and rear
Horses, of all ages, may be shown in a snaffle, bosal, or curb
When a bit is used, the mouthpiece must be at least 5/16”
and not more than 3/4” in diameter measured one inch from
cheek and must be smooth. Nothing may protrude below the mouthpiece
such as extensions or prongs.
A standard western curb bit must not be longer than 8 ½
inches measured on the outside length from the top bridle attachment
to the rein attachment. The port must not be higher than 3 ½
inches with rollers and covers acceptable. Broken mouthpieces,
halfbreeds and spades are standard.
Split reins shall be used with all bits except that a romal is
acceptable with a curb bit. Closed reins are not allowed except
as standard romal reins or standard mecate reins which include
a tie rope with snaffle bit or bosal.
Curb straps are required for curb bits and the curb chains or
straps must be at least ½ inch in width and must lie flat
against the horse’s chin.
No wire curbs are permitted, regardless of the amount of padding
or tape. Absolutely no iron will be permitted under the jaws.
Prohibited equipment includes tie downs, cavessons, gag bits,
mechanical hackamores and running martingales.
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