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---12.05.2003: Pferd ist wieder da!

Folgende Email erreichte uns heute:

"Last thursday a man was arrested for the theft of Its Another Footwork. A 30 year old male from Weesp. He waited till 4am at the driveway of a neighbour across our stable. Hij loaded the mare into his trailer and put her on his own land near his house. Our neighbour wrote down his licenseplate number. The owners of The Greup Stables and the police went to his place and found her! We would like to thank everyone for helping us out and supporting us. You can always contact me for questions! Vriendelijke groet/regards, Colin Rietdijk namens/for de Greup Stables"

In der Nacht vom 23.auf den 24. April wurde dieses Quarter Horse aus dem Stall "de Greup Stables" in Oud Beijerland, Niederlande gestohlen:

Die QH-Stute ist dreijährig, sorrel mit drei weißen Fesseln.
Der Hinweis, der zu diesem Pferd führt, wird mit 10.000 EUR belohnt.

Colin Rietdijk, de Greup Stables, Oud Beijerland, Netherlands.
Tel. + 31 651 158205.
Email colin@rietdijk.com

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